Sunday 15 June 2008

The Politics Of Principle

So politicians who are prepared to put principle before personal advantage receive the overwhelming support of the British public!

Put into simple words on a piece of paper my instant reaction is to say "of course they do", however when David Davis first announced his intention to resign from the House of Commons to fight a by-election on the principle of 42-Day Detention Without Charge it appeared from media comment that they, and the public, would view this as a cynical stunt by a career politician.

Today's Mail on Sunday reports that 57% of people polled by ICM support David's decision to force a by-election on this issue, 59% agree with him that Britain has become a nation of snoopers and a staggering 69% believe he took this action based on principle.

I am personally delighted to see that the public are not as cynical as the media would have us believe and look forward to the public debate on this issue the by-election will now afford us.

The principles of politics are too often lost in Party orders and media scrums and I for one long for the day when all politicians put principles, and the people, first - for only then will we truly have government by the people and for the people!

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